Q. In which of the following academic fields Nobel Prize is awarded?
[1] Physics
[2] Chemistry
[3] Physiology or Medicine
[4] All of the above
Answer: 4
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The Nobel Prize was established by Alfred Nobel, a Swedish inventor and industrialist. Nobel died in 1896, and in his will, he bequeathed his fortune to be used to establish five prizes, which became known as the Nobel Prizes. The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901.
The Nobel Prizes are awarded by the Nobel Foundation, a Swedish private institution. The Nobel Foundation is responsible for administering the Nobel Prizes, investing Nobel’s fortune, and selecting the Nobel laureates.
The Nobel Prize is awarded in the following academic fields:
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Physiology or Medicine
- Literature
- Peace
- Economics (Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel)
There is no Nobel Prize awarded in Mathematics. However, there are other prestigious awards in mathematics, such as the Fields Medal.
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