Which of the following is wrongly matched with respect to Rashtrakutas?

Q. Which of the following is wrongly matched with respect to Rashtrakutas?

(1) Amoghavarsha: the first Kannada book writer

(2) Dantidurga: the founder of Rashtrakuta kingdom

(3) Vallabharaja: the contemporary of Al-Masudi

(4) Krishna-III: the famous rock-cut temple of Shiva at Ellora

Answer: 4

In the Sangam literature, Vellalars were:

Amoghavarsha I was an accomplished poet and scholar. He wrote (or co-authored) the Kavirajamarga, the earliest extant literary work in Kannada, and Prashnottara Ratnamalika, a religious work in Sanskrit. During his rule he held titles such as Nrupathunga, Atishadhavala, Veeranarayana, Rattamarthanda and Srivallabha.

In the Satavahana’s inscriptions, the terms ‘Katakas’ and ‘Skandhavaras’ mean?

Dantidurga (r. 735 – 756 CE), also known as Dantivarman II, was the founder of the Rashtrakuta Empire of Manyakheta. His capital was based in present-day Kalaburagi region of Karnataka. His successor was his uncle Krishna I who extended the Rashtrakuta realm to all of Karnataka.

The founder of the Rashtrakuta Dynasty was Dantidurga (reigning from 735 CE to 756 CE). Dantidurga founded the dynasty and the empire in what is today the modern-day Indian state of Karnataka after defeating the Hindu kingdom of the Badami Chalukyas.

Which of the items listed above were introduced by the Shakas and Kushans from Central Asia?

Al-Masudi was a native of Baghdad. He visited Gujarat in 915-16. He testifies the great power and prestige of the Pratihara rulers and the vastness of their empire, According to al-Masudi who visited India at that time, the Rashtrakuta king Balhara or Vallabharaja, was the greatest king of India and most of the Indian rulers accepted his suzerainty and respected his envoys. The Rashtrakuta capital Malkhed was sacked and burnt in 972.

The famous rock-cut temple of Kailasa is at Ellora . The Kailasa temple is one of the 34 cave temples and monasteries known collectively as the Ellora Caves. As per the historical records, it was built by the 8th century Rashtrakuta King Krishna I between the year 756 and 773 AD.

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