61. Fundamental research reflects the ability to?
(a) Synthesize new ideas
(b) Expound new principles
(c) Evaluate the existing material concerning research
(d) Study the existing literature regarding various topics
62. The classification of studies into exploratory, descriptive, analytical, or predictive research is based on:
(b) Outcome
(c) Process
(d) Purpose
63. The strongest evidence for causality comes from which of the following research methods?
(a) Experimental
(b) Causal–comparative
(c) Correlational
(d) None of the above
64. One of the limitations of the case study is that
(a) There are few subjects for which it is applicable.
(b) There are no control groups
(c) It requires a large and expensive sample size
(d) None of the above
65. Which of the following is research method is termed as controlled observation?
(a) Historical research
(b) Philosophical research
(c) Field experimentation
(d) All of the above
66. Fieldwork-based research is classified as
(a) Empirical
(b) Historical
(c) Experimental
(d) Biographical
67. Which of the following is not a longitudinal design?
(a) Panel
(b) Cross-sectional
(c) Trend
(d) Both (a) and (c) are longitudinal designs
68. When a researcher starts with the dependent variable and moves backwards, it is called
(a) Predictive research
(b) Retrospective research
(c) Exploratory research
(d) Descriptive research
69. The study in which investigators attempt to trace an effect is known as
(a) Survey research
(b) ‘Ex post facto’ research
(c) Historical research
(d) Summative research
70. The essence of the experimental method is
(a) Correct calculation of Karl Pearson’s
Coefficient of correlation
(b) Obtaining direct reports from subjects about their subjective experience
(c) Careful measurement and record keeping
(d) Using control to identify cause-and effect connections