According to the India Forest Condition Report 2021, in which of the following districts of Madhya Pradesh the forest cover is less than 33 percent (percentage of the geographical area of ​​the district)?

भारत वन की दशा रिपोर्ट 2021 के अनुसार, निम्न में से कौन-से जिले में वन आवरण 33 प्रतिशत (जिले के भौगोलिक क्षेत्र का प्रतिशत) से कम है? According to the India Forest Condition Report 2021, in which of the following districts of Madhya Pradesh the forest cover is less than 33 percent (percentage of the geographical area of ​​the district)?

[A] बैतूल

[B] छतरपुर

[C] छिन्दवाड़ा

[D] दमोह

Answer: B

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