Multiple Choice Quiz Questions (MCQs) on Indian Economy for General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC and State PSC Exams

21. When was the spices board of India established?

[A] 1990

[B] 1987

[C] 1999

[D] 1980

Answer: B [1987]


The Spices Board is the Indian government regulatory and export promotion agency for Indian spices. It was formed in 1987 and headquarters is at Kochi.

22. Which is the largest freshwater shrimp producing state?

[A] West Bengal

[B] Andhra Pradesh

[C] Assam

[D] Tamil Nadu

Answer: B [Andhra Pradesh]


Freshwater prawn farming in India has grown rapidly since 2000. Andhra Pradesh contributing to approximately 60 percent of the total water area dedicated to prawn farming, followed by West Bengal.

23. When was Compensatory afforestation fund management and planning authority (CAMPA) established?

[A] 2010

[B] 2009

[C] 2008

[D] 2007

Answer: B [2009]


The Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) was established in 2009 as a National Advisory Council under the chairmanship of the Union Minister of Environment & Forests for the monitoring, technical assistance and evaluation of compensatory afforestation activities. It is meant to promote afforestation and regeneration activities as a way of compensating for forest land diverted to non-forest uses.

24. What is the main aim of a phased manufacturing program?

[A] To increase domestic defence equipment manufacturing

[B] To increase domestic mobile manufacturing

[C] To increase domestic manufacturing of Capital goods

[D] None of the above

Answer: B [To increase domestic mobile manufacturing]


The Indian Government has launched a phased manufacturing programme (PMP) aimed at adding more smartphone components under the Make in India initiative. It gives a push to the domestic manufacturing of mobile handsets.

25. Which is the top steel-producing state in India?

[A] Karnataka

[B] Odisha

[C] Jharkhand

[D] Goa

Answer: B [Odisha]


Odisha is the largest producer of steel in India. It has a capacity of 18 million tonnes per year of steel production.

26. What is the FDI for coal and lignite under the automatic route?

[A] 100

[B] 51

[C] 49

[D] None of the above

Answer: A [100]


India’s FDI Policy allows 100% FDI through automatic route in the steel and mining sectors, 100% FDI for coal and lignite under the automatic route.

27. Who owns the minerals found in the Exclusive economic zone of the Indian Ocean?

[A] State government

[B] Central government

[C] Both State and Central government

[D] None of the above

Answer: B [Central government]


The Central Government is the owner of the minerals underlying the ocean within the territorial waters or the Exclusive Economic Zone of India.

28. Which is the largest Beet sugar producing country in the world?

[A] India

[B] Brazil

[C] Russia


Answer: C [Russia]


The top Beet sugar-producing countries are:

1. Russia

2. USA

3. Turkey

29. What is the full form of FDI?

[A] Foreign Direct Investigation

[B] Foreign Direct Investment

[C] Future Direct Investment

[D] Foreign Directing Investment

Answer: B [Foreign Direct Investment]


FDI stands for Foreign Direct Investment, which means the investment made by a firm or a person in a business located in another country.

30. Which country has the largest retail space in the world?

[A] India

[B] China


[D] None of the above

Answer: C [USA]


USA has the largest retail space in the world. India is the 5th largest in the world.

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