Business, Economy & Banking Current Affairs MCQs

31. Bima Sugam portal is o be set up by which institution?




[D] NITI Aayog

Answer: B [IRDAI]


Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has informed that the Bima Sugam portal will be an insurance market infrastructure.

Insurers, distribution networks and the policy holders can virtually meet across the digital platform. The portal is expected to improve accessibility and ease of insurance purchase to policyholders.

32. Which regulator body released ‘Principle-based Framework for Cloud Adoption’ guidelines?





Answer: B [SEBI]


SEBI’s Principle-based Framework for Cloud Adoption is a set of guidelines to ensure safe usage of cloud services by registered entities (REs) and cloud service providers (CSPs) in the securities industry.

It provides instructions on governance, risk, and compliance, choosing CSPs, data ownership and localization, due diligence by REs, security controls, legal and regulatory obligations, and vendor lock-in risks.

33. Which institution regulates the ‘Core Investment Companies’?





Answer: B [RBI]


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regulates the Core Investment Companies. Core Investment Companies are specialized NBFCs that are involved in the business of acquisition of shares and securities.

The RBI has simplified the process of applying for registration of CICs, reducing the number of documents to be furnished from 52 to 18.

34. Which institution launched the ‘100 Days 100 Pays’ campaign?





Answer: A [RBI]


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced the launch of the ‘100 Days 100 Pays’ campaign by banks recently.

It aims to trace and settle top 100 unclaimed deposits of every bank in every district of the country within 100 days. An unclaimed deposit is one which does not see any activity like the infusion of funds, withdrawal from the depositor for 10 years or more.

35. Which institution has proposed special rights for Unit holders of REITs and InvITs?





Answer: B [SEBI]


Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has proposed the granting of special board nomination rights for unit holders of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs).

This is expected to strength corporate governance norms. Under the current regulations, no unit holder of these trusts can enjoy superior voting rights.

36. Which institution is associated with ‘Surety Bonds’?





Answer: B [IRDAI]


The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI) has relaxed norms for surety bonds to expand the surety insurance market.

Surety bond is a type of insurance policy that protects the party involved in a transaction or contract from potential financial loss caused by the breach of contract or other types of non-performance.

37. Which institution released guidelines for Investor Protection Fund (IPF) and Investor Services Fund (ISF)?




[D] NITI Aayog

Answer: B [SEBI]


Capital Market Regulator SEBI- the Securities Exchange Board of India has released guidelines for Investor Protection Fund (IPF) and Investor Services Fund (ISF).

These funds are maintained by stock exchanges and depositories. The new changes aim to strengthen investor protection measures and promote financial literacy and participation in the securities market.

38. What is the expansion of ‘ESM’ set up by Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE)?

[A] Enhanced Surveillance Measure

[B] Extreme Surveillance Measure

[C] Enhanced Safety Measure

[D] Enhanced Safety Measure

Answer: A [Enhanced Surveillance Measure]


The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE) have set up the Enhanced Surveillance Measure (ESM) to curb volatility in small-cap counters.

It is applicable for companies that have a market cap of less than ₹500 crore and the mechanism will be effective from June 5.

39. As per the ‘World Bank’s Latest Global Economic Prospects Report’, what is the growth rate of the global economy in 2023?

[A] 2.1%

[B] 2.5%

[C] 2.7%

[D] 3.0%

Answer: A [2.1%]


The World Bank’s most recent Global Economic Prospects report predicts that the global economy will experience a growth rate of 2.1% in 2023, compared to 3.1% in 2022.

The report also highlights that trade in 2023 is expected to expand at a significantly slower pace, less than one-third of its pre-pandemic levels.

40. The revamped website of PPPININDIA is launched by which institution?

[A] Infrastructure Finance Secretariat

[B] Niti Aayog

[C] IIT Madras


Answer: A [Infrastructure Finance Secretariat]


The Infrastructure Finance Secretariat (IFS), under the Department of Economic Affairs, has launched the revamped website of PPPININDIA.

PPPININDIA is a website dedicated to promoting and facilitating Public Private Partnerships in India and helps in bridging the gap between the public and private sectors. It brings together government entities, private companies, investors and entrepreneurs for sustainable growth.

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