Identify the correct chronology establishment of French settlements:

Q. Identify the correct chronology establishment of French settlements:

(1) Surat > Pondicherry > Yanam > Mahe >Karaikal

(2) Pondicherry > Karaikal > Surat >Yanam > Mahe

(3) Surat > Pondicherry > Mahe > Karaikal > Yanam

(4) Pondicherry > Mahe > Karaikal > Surat > Yanam


French settlement in india began in 1673.

French settlement consisting of five geographically isolated enclaves on the Indian Subcontinent that were once French East India Company industries.

In 1950 and 1954, they were de facto absorbed into the Republic of India. Pondicherry (1674), Karaikal (1739) Yanam (1723) on the Coromandel Coast, Mahe (1725) on the Malabar Coast, and Chandernagor (1673) in Bengal were these enclaves.

In Shivaji’s admistration Dabir was;

Which of the above buildings were constructed during the reign of Akbar?

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