Teaching Aptitude MCQs For Assistant Professor, UGC NET, CTET, TGT, PGT and all other Teacher’s Recruitment Exams

71. A teacher

(a) Should provide overview of the topic to be taught in the class.

(b) Should have good communication skills.

(c) Should command over his subject.

(d) All the above

72. Which of the following is desirable from a new teacher as his/her professional responsibility?

(a) Changing the course curriculum

(b) Cooperate with the fellow teacher despite the differences.

(c) Follow the procedures of the institute.

(d) None of the above

73. The greatest important cause of failure in beginning for a teacher lies in the area of

(a) Interpersonal relationship

(b) Verbal ability

(c) Knowledge of the teacher

(d) Tight handling of the students

74. ‘Mirambaka’—the school based on ideas of free progress education was advocated by?

(a) M. K. Gandhi

(b) Vivekananda

(c) John Dewey

(d) Aurobindo

75. the most important single factor of success for a teacher in the beginning of teaching career is

(a) Verbal fluency and organizational ability.

(b) Positive attitude and outlook towards life.

(c) Personality and ability to adjust to classroom.

(d) Competence and professional ethics.

76. For a teacher in higher educational institution, which of the following is the best option to do in leisure time?

(a) Taking rest in teacher’s room

(b) Reading magazines in library

(c) Talking to administrative staff

(d) Doing research

77. What are the components of Tyler’s model of curriculum?

(a) Aims, subject content, teaching, evaluation.

(b) Purpose, educational experiences, effective organization of experiences, verification of goal.

(c) Aims of education, organization of content, testing, feedback .

(d) Subject content, teaching, learning, testing.

78. The experienced teachers do not require the detailed lesson plan of a topic because

(a) They can teach more effectively without its help.

(b) There are just few curious students in the class.

(c) The teacher is not likely to face any challenges from students even if they are wrong.

(d) They can equip themselves with brief outline as they gain specialization in it through experience.

79. The ideal teacher

(a) Covers the whole syllabus in class.

(b) Helps his students in learning.

(c) Is a friend, philosopher and guide.

(d) Is a strict disciplinarian.

80. The field of education is permeated by conflicts and misconceptions because

(a) Subjectivity of interpretation.

(b) Problems are not amenable to rigorous scientific investigation.

(c) Lack of good teaching methods.

(d) All the above

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