Who among the following presided the historic Lahore session of 1929 of Indian National Congress?

Who among the following presided the historic Lahore session of 1929 of Indian National Congress?

[A] Jawaharlal Nehru

[B] Maula Abul Kalam

[C] Lala Lajpat Rai

[D] Motilal Nehru

Answer: A

Lahore session of 1929

In 1928, for the first time a constitution for India was drafted by Nehru Committee that was headed by Moti Lal Nehru. A year later, in the Lahore session of December 1929, Congress passed the Poorna Swaraj resolution. It was the same session in which Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as president of the Congress.

Here, please note that though the congress passed the Poorna Swaraj Resolution in December 1929, it was a month later on January 26, 1930, when a Pledge of Indian Independence also known as Declaration of Independence was taken.  You must note here that while the Poorna Swaraj Resolution was drafted by Jawaharlal Lal Nehru, the “Declaration of Independence” pledge was drafted by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930 and it echoed the essence of American Declaration of Independence.

After this pledge January 26, 1930 was declared as Independence Day by Indian National Congress.

The Declaration of Purna Swaraj

  • The 44th Session of the Indian National Congress convened in Lahore from December 29th, 1929, to January 1st, 1930, attracting an enormous gathering of approximately 15,000 people. Leading the session was Jawaharlal Nehru, a young and prominent Congress leader.
  • The Declaration of Purna Swaraj was a resolution which was passed in 1930 because of the dissatisfaction among the Indian masses regarding the British offer of Dominion status to India.
  • The flag of India was hoisted by Jawaharlal Nehru on 31 December 1929 on the banks of Ravi river, in Lahore.
  • The Congress asked the people of India to observe 26 January as Independence Day (see Legacy).
  • The flag of India was hoisted publicly across India by Congress volunteers and the general public who aspired for self-governance and wanted to achieve independence.

On which among the following dates, the Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed?

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