General Studies of Kerala MCQs | Kerala GK Objective Question Bank for KPSC Exams

21.Which of the following statements regarding Adi Shankaracharya is/are correct?
I : He was one of the greatest Hindu scholars
II : He was born in Kerala
III : First ever Indian feature film in Sanskrit was made after his name
IV : The above feature film was adjudged the best film for the year 1983
V : He wrote a commentary on the Upanishads

[A] Ail are correct
[B] Only I, II and III are correct
[C] Only I, III and V are correct
[D] All except II are correct

Answer: D [All except II are correct]

Adi Shankaracharya was born in 788 CE in Kaladi, present-day Kochin in Keraka.

22.The Malayala Manorama New Conclave 2019 was held in which city of Kerala?

[A] Thiruvananthapuram
[B] Kochi
[C] Thrissur
[D] Palakkad

Answer: B [Kochi]

On 30th August, the 2019 edition of Malayala Manorama New Conclave was held in Kochi. It is the Kerala’s first and only news conclave deals with the most contemporary and compelling theme―New India; New government; New aspirations; New challenges; New frontiers; New avenues. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the conclave via video-conference from New Delhi. During the conclave, discussions were held on varied topics like new Indian nationalist, politics, new boundaries of belief, youth, and opportunities for Kerala.

On this occasion, Shashi Tharoor launched a language challenge on twitter – #LanguageChallenge – to help people learn one word each from languages other than their mother tongue. The initiative began after Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged the media to unite India with the help of language.

23.Match the dances and the States of their origin in the following list

I. KathakaliA. Orissa
II. OdissiB. Kerala
III. BharatanatyamC. Tamil Nadu
IV. KuchipudiD. Andhra Pradesh


[A] B A D C
[B] A B C D
[C] B D A C
[D] B A C D

Answer: D [B A C D]

The Sangeet Natak Akademi currently confers classical status on eight Indian classical dance styles: Bharatanatyam (Tamil Nadu), Kathak (North, West and Central India), Kathakali (Kerala), Kuchipudi (Andhra Pradesh), Odissi (Odisha), Manipuri (Manipur), Mohiniyattam (Kerala), and sattriya (Assam).

24.The State Government of Kerala has launched the “Water 4 Change” project with the help of which country?

[A] Netherlands
[B] Israel
[C] Australia
[D] Japan

Answer: A [Netherlands]

The Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM), operating under the Government of Kerala has launched the “Water 4 Change”. Under the project, six prominent institutions from Netherlands will perform a long-term research and field level action on urban water management systems along with Indian scientists.

The project will bring solutions for water problems in the cities of Kozhikode, Shimla, Bhuj and Bhopal. The project will address issues related to sanitary engineering, governance, urban planning, ecology, hydrology and economics in water handling.

25.With reference to the recent debate surrounding Endosulfan in Kerala, consider the following statements about the chemical:

  1. Stockholm Convention imposed a ban on manufacture and use of endosulfan.
  2. It is a broad spectrum insecticide.
  3. Use of endosulfan completely banned in India.

Which of the above statements is/are true?

[A] Only 1 and 2 are correct
[B] Only 2 and 3 are correct
[C] Only 3 is correct
[D] All are correct

Answer: A [Only 1 and 2 are correct]

Statement 1 is correct:
The Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutant was held in 2011. It passed a global ban on the manufacture and sale of endosulfan. India had been opposing the ban and had requested time till 2017 to phase out the insecticide’s use.
Statement 2 is correct:
Endosulfan is a wide spectrum insecticide i.e. it does not affect a single specific pest but a range of insects. The affected insects may even include beneficial organisms like bees.

The pesticide came into focus during the Kasargode incident where the pesticide used for cashew cultivation resulted in adverse health effects on the cultivators.
Statement 3 is incorrect:
The pesticide was banned by the Supreme Court in 2011. Currently, a general ban exists on the pesticide. However, it is used in exceptional cases like bollworm infestation in cotton fields with no other alternative. The state governments are in the process of paying compensation to endosulfan victims.

26.With reference to the survey on Odonate population in Kerala, consider the following statements about their significance in nature:

  1. Dragonfly population is indicative of the aquatic habitat health of a region.
  2. While dragonflies feed on mosquitoes, damselflies do not.

Which of the above statements is/are true?

[A] Only 1 is correct
[B] Only 2 is correct
[C] Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
[D] Both 1 and 2 are correct

Answer: A [Only 1 is correct]

Statement 1 is correct:
Dragonfly population is indicative of the health of the aquatic environment in that region. This is because they spend a major part of their lives in the water- in form of eggs and larva. The survey showed a decrease in the Odonate population in Kerala. The drop has been attributed to the flooding which may have washed away the larvae and eggs.
 Statement 2 is incorrect:
Both dragonflies and damselflies feed on mosquitoes. They are priced for their role of pest controller. The Odonates feed on mosquitoes even before reaching maturity i.e. in their larval stage. While the adult Odonates feed during the day, the larval forms feed on the mosquito larvae.

27.In context with the use of cyanide in the serial murder case in Kerala, consider the following statements:

  1. It is used in jewellery industry.
  2. At a time, any agency can stock only 250kg of cyanide chemical.

Select the correct option from the codes given below: 

[A] Only 1 is correct
[B] Only 2 is correct
[C] Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
[D] Both 1 and 2 are correct

Answer: A [Only 1 is correct]

Statement 1 is correct:
Cyanide is used widely in the jewellery industry. It is used to clean gold and give it the reddish yellow glow. This is by removing the impurities in the gold and obtaining its original color. The chemical was used in the serial murder of 6 individuals over 14 years in Kerala.
Statement 2 is incorrect:
Cyanide is regulated under the Poisons Act, 1919. Under it, the state regulates the chemical’s circulation using the Kerala Poisons Rule, 1996. At a time, any agency can stock only 250g of the chemical. Even for this, license is required.

28. In light of Kerala approving its fibre optic network project, consider the following statements:

  1. It is funded by the World Bank.
  2. Government schools are to benefit from this project.

Select the correct option from the codes given below: 

[A] Only 1 is correct
[B] Only 2 is correct
[C] Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
[D] Both 1 and 2 are correct

Answer: B [Only 2 is correct]

Statement 1 is incorrect:
The Kerala Fibre Optic Network/ KFON project is a collaborative initiative of Kerala State Electricity Board and Kerala State IT Infrastructure Ltd. The project is worth 1,548 crore INR and was recently approved the state’s cabinet. It is to be implemented by December 2020.
Statement 2 is correct:       
The project will provide high speed internet connectivity to government schools and offices. It will benefit about 2 million families in the state. It seeks to make internet access a right of the citizens. Free internet connectivity is to be provided to BPL households.

29. Where do the Bar headed goose, which was recently spotted in Kerala, breed?

[A] China and Mongolia
[B] China and Nepal
[C] Nepal and Bhutan
[D] Bangladesh and Myanmar

Answer: A [China and Mongolia]

The Bar Headed Goose is a rare migratory bird. It breeds in northern countries like China and Mongolia. During the winters they migrate southwards. They are noted for taking the migratory route over the Himalayan ranges. They were recently spotted in Kerala’s wetlands.

30. In light of the recent celebration of Golden Jubilee at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial, consider the following statements:

  1. It is in Kerala.
  2. It is in the Laccadive Sea.

Select the correct option from the codes given below: 

[A] Only 1 is correct
[B] Only 2 is correct
[C] Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
[D] Both 1 and 2 are correct

Answer: B [Only 2 is correct]

Statement 1 is incorrect:
The Vivekananda Rock memorial is in Tamil Nadu. It is a popular tourist site in the Kanyakumari district, constructed in 1970. The monument was established in honour of Swami Vivekananda. The attached structure called Dyana Mandapam is for meditation.  
Statement 2 is correct:
The Vivekananda Rock Memorial is in the Laccadive Sea. Laccadive Sea, also called Lakshadweep Sea is adjacent to Sri Lanka, India and Maldives. The memorial has Vivekananda Mandapam and Shripada Mandapam. President Kovind highlighted Vivekananda’s meditation in Kanyakumari before setting off to the famous World religious Conference.

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