Q. Out of the four given pairs below, of how many of the following pairs are correctly matched? [UPPSC RO ARO 2024]
List-I List-II
(Research Institute) (City)
(A) Arid Forest Research Institute Jodhpur
(B) Himalayan Forest Research Institute Dehradun
(C) Rain Forest Research Institute Jorhat
(D) Tropical Forest Research Institute Jabalpur
(a) 4
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 3
Answer: d
Arid Forest Research Institute is a research institute situated in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.
Himalayan Forest Research Institute is a Research institute situated in Shimla in Himachal Pradesh.
Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI) is a research institute situated in Jorhat in Assam.
The Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur is one of the eight regional institutes under the Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
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