महासागरीय अम्लीकरण का प्राथमिक कारण क्या है? What is the primary cause of ocean acidification?

महासागरीय अम्लीकरण का प्राथमिक कारण क्या है? What is the primary cause of ocean acidification?

(A) समुद्री जल के तापमान में वृद्धि / Increase in sea-water temperature

(B) तेल का रिसाव / Oil spills

(c) अत्यधिक मछली पकड़ना / Overfishing

(D) समुद्री जल द्वारा CO2 का अवशोषण / Absorption of CO2 by sea-water

Answer: D

The primary cause of ocean acidification is the increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere, which is mainly caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels. The ocean absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere, which produces carbonic acid that dissociates into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions. The hydrogen ions lower the ocean’s pH, making it more acidic.

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