West Bengal GK

West Bengal GK

Arrange the following Sen Rulers of Bengal in ascending chronological order: बंगाल के निम्नलिखित सेन शासकों को आरोही कालक्रमानुसार व्यवस्थित कीजिए:

Q. Arrange the following Sen Rulers of Bengal in ascending chronological order: बंगाल के निम्नलिखित सेन शासकों को आरोही कालक्रमानुसार व्यवस्थित कीजिए: 1. Ballal Sen / बल्लाल सेन 2. Lakshman Sen / लक्ष्मण सेन 3. Hemant Sen / हेमंत सेन 4. Vijaya Sen / विजय सेन Select the correct answer from the codes given below: […]

West Bengal GK

General Studies of West Bengal | West Bengal General Knowledge Study Notes With MCQs for WBPSC Exams

General Studies of West Bengal MCQs | West Bengal GK Objective Question Bank for WBPSC and other exams: West Bengal General Knowledge Questions for West Bengal Public Service Commission Exams 2024-25. West Bengal GK & Current Affairs for WBPSC Examinations: West Bengal General Studies – West Bengal History, Geography, Polity, Culture and Economy Multiple Choice

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