Economy Current Affairs MCQs

Economy Current Affairs MCQs

निम्नलिखित में से भारत का पहला बैंक कौन सा है?

Q. निम्नलिखित में से भारत का पहला बैंक कौन सा है? (A) बैंक ऑफ कलकत्ता (B) अवध कॉमर्शियल बैंक (C) इम्पीरियल बैंक ऑफ इन्डिया (D) बैंक ऑफ हिंदुस्तान (E) अनुत्तरित प्रश्न Answer: (A) कोलकाता में 2 जून 1806 में ‘बैंक ऑफ कलकत्ता’ की स्थापना की गई और तीन साल बाद बैंक को अपना चार्टर प्राप्त […]

Economy Current Affairs MCQs

Business, Economy & Banking Current Affairs MCQs

Business, Economy & Banking Current Affairs MCQs 2024-25 is published daily with Multiple Choice (MCQs) / Objective Current Affairs Questions and Answers for UPSC, IAS, PSC, SSC, SSC-CGL and State SSC exams, IBPS, Banking, Railways, CLAT, State PCS and all other competitive exams. Most important current affairs MCQs for online exams practice purpose. Read more: Objective GK &

Economy Current Affairs MCQs, Indian Economy, Uttar Pradesh GK

“Golden Revolution” is responsible for the development of which of the following agricultural sectors in India?

Q. “Golden Revolution” is responsible for the development of which of the following agricultural sectors in India? “स्वर्ण क्रांति” भारत में निम्नलिखित में से किस कृषि क्षेत्र में विकास के लिए जिम्मेदार है ? (A) Horticulture (B) Potato production (C) Petroleum production (D) Oilseed production Answer: A Honey production and horticulture are linked to the

Economy Current Affairs MCQs, Indian Economy, Uttar Pradesh GK

Who approves the Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane?

Q. Who approves the Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane? (A) Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, Ministry of Agriculture (B) National Sugar Institute, Kanpur (C) Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (D) Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices Answer: C Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. The proposal in respect of determination of ‘Fair and Remunerative

Economy Current Affairs MCQs

Which Union Ministry issued the ‘Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2023’?

Q. Which Union Ministry issued the ‘Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2023’? [1] Ministry of Home Affairs [2] Ministry of Finance [3] Ministry of Corporate Affairs [4] Ministry of External Affairs [5] None Answer: 1 – Ministry of Home Affairs Read more: Business, Economy & Banking Current Affairs MCQs Notes: Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Amendment Rules,

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