General Studies of Arunachal Pradesh MCQs | Arunachal Pradesh GK Objective Question Bank for APPSC Exams

General Studies of Arunachal Pradesh MCQs | Arunachal Pradesh GK Objective Question Bank for APPSC Exams. Arunachal Pradesh General Knowledge Question Bank for APPSC and other exams 2024-25.

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Most important Arunachal Pradesh GK Multiple Choice Questions covered from the following mentioned topics:

History of Arunachal Pradesh

Art, Culture, Literature and Heritage of Arunachal Pradesh

Geography of Arunachal Pradesh

Political and Administrative System of Arunachal Pradesh

Economy of Arunachal Pradesh

Current Affairs of Arunachal Pradesh, India & World (Major Contemporary Events and Issues of Arunachal Pradesh, India & World)

Read moreArunachal Pradesh Current Affairs 2023-2024 PDF Download in English and Hindi

Read moreMust Read Books for Competitive Exams

Arunachal Pradesh GK Questions (MCQs) for APPSC Examinations

1) Which state of India has the lowest population density?

(A) Arunachal Pradesh

(B) Nagaland

(C) Manipur

(D) Assam

Answer: A

2) Which ethnic group predominantly inhabits the western region of Arunachal Pradesh?

(A) Monpa

(B) Mishmi

(C) Naga

(D) Tani

Answer: A

3) Which ethnic group is found in the central region of Arunachal Pradesh?

(A) Monpa

(B) Tani

(C) Tai

(D) Naga

Answer: B

4) The Mishmi tribe in Arunachal Pradesh is composed of how many sub-tribes?

(A) 3

(B) 1

(C) 4

(D) 2

Answer: A

5) Who ruled the Monyul area in the northwest of Arunachal Pradesh between 500 BCE and 600 CE?

(A) Monpa kingdom of Monyul

(B) Mishmi tribe

(C) Tibetan government in Lhasa

(D) Gongkar Gyal

Answer: A

6) Which tribal chief ruled the Khorwong valley in Thembang town?

(A) Gapde Tsan

(B) Lhase Tsangma

(C) Wongme Palde

(D) Gongkar Gyal

Answer: A

7) How were taxes paid in the Kameng and Tawang districts during the period covered by the Rgyal rigs text?

(A) Coins, foodstuffs, or livestock

(B) Cash, gold, or silver

(C) Jewelry and precious stones

(D) Cloth and textiles

Answer: A

8) What role did the Monpas play in trade between Assam and Tibet?

(A) They served as diplomats between Assam and Tibet

(B) They were artisans producing trade goods

(C) They were responsible for trade and controlled the Koriapar Dooar at Sonitpur district

(D) They acted as tax collectors for the Tibetan government

Answer: C

9) What government entity in Lhasa supervised the local Monpa chiefs in Arunachal Pradesh?

(A) Monpa council

(B) Gellongs

(C) Rgyal rigs

(D) Tibetan Empire

Answer: B

10) Which century did the position of Tsorgon, the chief looking after the Duar, originate?

(A) 19th

(B) 16th

(C) 7th

(D) 12th

Answer: B

11) Which kingdom controlled Arunachal Pradesh in the 7th century CE?

(A) Monpa kingdom of Monyul

(B) Gongkar Gyal’s kingdom

(C) Mishmi tribe

(D) Tubo Kingdom or Tibetan Empire

Answer: D

12) How many inhabitants per square kilometer does Arunachal Pradesh have according to the 2011 Census?

(A) 17

(B) 50

(C) 25

(D) 10

Answer: A

13) What is the approximate area of Arunachal Pradesh in square kilometers?

(A) 83,743

(B) 112,675

(C) 75,234

(D) 92,138

Answer: A

14) Which ethnic group is predominantly found in the east of Arunachal Pradesh?

(A) Naga

(B) Tani

(C) Monpa

(D) Tai

Answer: D

15) Which major tribe is found in the eastern region of Arunachal Pradesh?

(A) Nyshi

(B) Singpho

(C) Galo

(D) Adi

Answer: D

16) What were the local chiefdoms in the northwest of Arunachal Pradesh called?

(A) Gongkar Gyal

(B) Monyul rulers

(C) Lhase Tsangma

(D) Sherdukpen tribe

Answer: A

17) Who was the brother of Tibetan king Ralpacan that arrived in Monyul in 837 A.D or earlier?

(A) Wongme Palde

(B) Gapde Tsan

(C) Lhase Tsangma

(D) Gongkar Gyal

Answer: C

18) Which Tibetan chronicles mention the ruler Gongkar Gyal and his descendants?

(A) Monpa records

(B) Lhase Tsangma’s writings

(C) Tibetan chronicles

(D) Rgyal rigs text

Answer: C

19) What does the Lgyal rigs text from 1668 or 1728 contain records of?

(A) Military battles

(B) Royal births and deaths

(C) Taxes collected

(D) Population growth

Answer: C

20) Which descendant of Gongkar Gyal became the ruler of a region in Bhutan?

(A) Gongkar Gyal

(B) Wongme Palde

(C) Gapde Tsan

(D) Lhase Tsangma

Answer: B

21) Who returned to Monyul to become its ruler after experiencing poverty in Khorwong valley?

(A) Wongme Palde

(B) Lhase Tsangma

(C) Gapde Tsan

(D) Gongkar Gyal

Answer: A

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