Multiple Choice Quiz Questions (MCQs) on Ancient Indian History for General Studies and GK preparation of SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC and State PSC Exams

1. Among all the pillar edicts of Ashoka, which one is the longest one?

(a) 4th pillar edict

(b) 6th pillar edict

(c) 7th pillar edict

(d) 3th pillar edict

Answer: c

2. Who was the founder of Sunga Dynasty?

(a) Agnimitra

(b) Pushyamitra

(c) Vasumitra

(d) Vajra Mitra

Answer: b

3. Who was the court physician during the reign of Kanishka-I?

(a) Charak

(b) Vasumitra

(c) Nagarjuna

(d) Asvaghosa

Answer: a

4. Which of the following was capital of Guptas?

(a) Taxila

(b) Pataliputra

(c) Ujjain

(d) Mathura

Answer: b

5.  Sudarshan lake repaired second time under the reign of _?

(a) Parnadatta

(b) Kumargupta

(c) Rudradaman

(d) Skandagupta

Answer: d

6. Who among the following Kushan Emperors was the first to introduce the gold coinage in India?

(a) Vima Kadphises

(b) Vima Taktu

(c) Vasishka

(d) Kujula Kadphises

Answer: a

7. Which among the following river is most described in Rig-Veda?

(a) Sindhu

(b) Chenab

(c) Saraswati

(d) Ganga

Answer: a

8. The ‘Saptanga Theory of State’ (Theory of Seven Limbs of the State) was propounded by :

(a) Kalhana in Rajatarangini

(b) Manu in Manusmriti

(c) Kautilya in Arthasastra

(d) Banabhatta in Harshacharita

Answer: c

9. Which of the following are called forest books?

(a) Brahmanas

(b) Aranyakas

(c) Upanishads

(d) Vedanta

Answer: b

10. During the Later Vedic age collection of taxes and tributes was done by which of the following?

(a) Sangrihitri

(b) Senani

(c) Kulapati

(d) Grahpati

Answer: a

11. With reference to the prehistoric age in India, what do the terms ‘Menhir’, ‘Dolmen’ indicate?

(a) Forms of Megalithic Burials

(b) Forms decorative techniques used in rock Paintings

(c) Specialised stone tools for hunting big animals

(d) Religious structure in the Chalcolithic settlements

Answer: a

12. With reference to the ancient history of India, the word Shamans refer to:

(a) A priest who performed the last rites of the dead.

(b) Men and women with healing and magical powers

(c) Traders during the time of the Indus valley civilization

(d) The wandering ascetic who renounced all worldly existence

Answer: b

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