Consider the following statements about Rao Chunda of Marwar and choose the correct option from below:

Q. Consider the following statements about Rao Chunda of Marwar and choose the correct option from below:

A. Rao Chunda obtained Mandore in dowry

B. Rao Ranmal ascended the throne immediately after Rao Chunda’s death.

(1) A and B both are true

(2) A and B both are false

(3) Only A is true

(4) Only B is true

(5) Question not attempted

Answer: 1

In 1395 the Pratihars of Mandore approached Chunda and proposed an alliance against the Tughlaq Empire. Chunda agreed and was married to a Pratihar princess, he was further given the fortified city of Mandore and a thousand villages in dowry.

However, in 1428, Kanha too died and was followed by another son of Chunda, who also had a short reign. Seeing an opportunity, Ranmal marched on the capital city, Mandore, at the head of a Mewari army and seized the throne, becoming the new Rao of Marwar. A skilled warrior, Ranmal began expanding Rathore territory.

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